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The goal of this page is to keep you informed about what’s happening at The Neighborhood — and that’s a lot — and to serve as an archive of important news. Also, be sure to follow us on social media with the links below for more ways to stay connected! AND SIGN UP HERE FOR OUR EMAIL NEWSLETTER!
Recent Posts
Silent auction to benefit CAReS
ASHLAND, Ky. — CAReS, one of several nonprofit agencies located at The Neighborhood, has active silent auction items. Proceeds from the auction will benefit CAReS, which coordinates and mobilizes resources for individuals and families in emergency/crisis situations. VIEW/BID [...]
VIDEO (Part 5): The Neighborhood process helps people get back on track
ASHLAND, Ky. — The Neighborhood provides tools and resources for the needy to help themselves. WATCH OTHER VIDEOS IN THIS SERIES
VIDEO: Textile Recycling program great way to prepare for workforce
ASHLAND, Ky. — Learn about The Neighborhood's Textile Recycling portion of the Employment Initiative Program.
The Neighborhood creates processes for jobs program
ASHLAND, Ky. — Donors want to give tangible things, like clothing and food, and shy away from donating money to defray operating expenses, Neighbors Helping Neighbors director and CEO Todd Young said. However, keeping The Neighborhood and its agencies [...]
Giving gift of clarity at The Neighborhood
ASHLAND, Ky. — The holiday season comes around and people want to give. Often the first impulse is to give stuff — cans of green beans for the holiday food baskets, coats and hats for the homeless, toys for [...]
VIDEO (Part 4): The Neighborhood moving ahead during tough times
ASHLAND, Ky. — The Neighborhood is an umbrella facility of various nonprofits. Check out this video for more on how it all comes together. WATCH OTHER VIDEOS IN THIS SERIES