The Neighborhood

About The Neighborhood

The Neighborhood provides a safe, secure, clean, and convenient one-stop center for those in need of assistance in the northeastern Kentucky region. The Neighborhood routinely serves hundreds of people daily.

Plan to volunteer for the New Year?

ASHLAND, Ky. — Through commitment, hard work and the help of the community, The Neighborhood was able to continue many of its core services in a difficult 2020 — this despite not being able to have most of its biggest annual fundraisers. COVID has taken a toll on us all, but we made it through and are now looking [...]

January 12th, 2021|The Neighborhood|

Build-A-Bed program led by Members Choice Credit Union

ASHLAND, Ky. — The Neighborhood's partner Members Choice Credit Union is leading the way in our community for the Ashland Build A Bed Program. You can now apply for a bed, or sign up to be a volunteer. Check out their website at for more information. Many Kentucky children are living in homes with not enough beds [...]

January 12th, 2021|The Neighborhood|

Silent auction to benefit CAReS

ASHLAND, Ky. — CAReS, one of several nonprofit agencies located at The Neighborhood, has active silent auction items. Proceeds from the auction will benefit CAReS, which coordinates and mobilizes resources for individuals and families in emergency/crisis situations. VIEW/BID ON ACTIVE CAReS AUCTION ITEMS

December 11th, 2020|CAReS, The Neighborhood|

The Neighborhood creates processes for jobs program

ASHLAND, Ky. — Donors want to give tangible things, like clothing and food, and shy away from donating money to defray operating expenses, Neighbors Helping Neighbors director and CEO Todd Young said. However, keeping The Neighborhood and its agencies afloat is essential because the work done there goes far beyond feeding and clothing the needy, according to Young. Agencies [...]

December 9th, 2020|The Neighborhood|
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